The PM² Methodology:
Europe's Methodology
PM² (pronounced “P-M squared”) is a Project Management Methodology developed by the European Commission.
The PM² Methodology is the official project management methodology of the EC and is currently being rapidly adopted internationally. It is a lean and easy to implement methodology suitable for any type of project as it enables project teams to manage projects effectively and deliver solutions and benefits to their organisations and stakeholders. PM² enables Project Managers to deliver solutions and benefits to their organisations through the effective management of project work. It is based on operational experience from projects run within the European Institutions, but also incorporates elements from a wide range of globally accepted project management best practices, standards and methodologies such as PMBoK Guide, PRINCE2®, IPMA-ICB.
One of the pillars of good management is governance. Governance provides the framework within which project management decisions are made. It defines all standard project management roles and their associated responsibilities while describing escalation and reporting lines.
The PM² Methodology defines four project management phases. This is an effective way to group the many management activities that take place during a project, and to focus the attention of the project team in those activities that are necessary during that period of time. The decision to move from one phase to the next is taken during a relevant Phase Gate and depends on whether the goals of that phase has been satisfactorily achieved.
The PM² Methodology defines a set of project management processes and activities which are carried out throughout the life of the project, and in most cases, are executed in an iterative manner. The management processes are detailed in the 6 PM² management plans and in the Monitor & Control process group.
The PM² Methodology proposes the creation of a set of Artefacts that facilitate the definition, management and communication of projects. PM² offers a complete set of project templates and detailed guidelines on how to use them.
The PM² Mindsets are the attitudes and behaviours that help project teams focus on what is really important to achieve the project’s goals. Together they help navigate the complexities of managing projects in Organisations and make the PM² Methodology both more effective and complete.