The PM² Methodology Guide - Serbian Translation
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© PM² Alliance ASBL 2021
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The PM² Alliance is a non-for-profit organisation that carries high the torch of the open PM² vision, promotes and evolves the PM² Methodology, taking it to places where no PM² has gone before. It brings together the Open PM² community, linking professionals, trainers, experts, and project management practitioners from all over the world, and works with international institutions, public and private organisations to establish an open business ecosystem which supports the adoption and effective use of PM².
The PM² Alliance’s mission is to promote the PM² Methodology for the public benefit, aiming for better project management in Europe and beyond. The PM² Alliance achieves its mission through a broad range of initiatives, such as PM² certification, the organisation of conferences and webinars, the production of publications, including the translation of the PM² Methodology Guide into several languages.
This translation is a contribution of PM² Alliance Serbia. It has been undertaken by our community of volunteers and professionals, aiming to bring the PM² Methodology closer to the community of Serbian speakers of the public and private sectors, in Europe and globally. PM² is an open source methodology, so you are welcome to use this translation freely for the benefit of your organisation and projects.
We are grateful to all those who have led the development of the PM² Methodology, the authors, the contributors, the reviewers, and the translation teams. We acknowledge their contribution and honour their moral right to be clearly identified in all our publications and translations in a dedicated and prominent section (Appendix A: Contributions & Acknowledgements).
PM² Alijansa je neprofitna organizacija koja promoviše viziju OpenPM2, promoviše i razvija PM2 metodologiju podižući je na nivo gde nijedam PM2 do sada nije bio. Spaja PM2 zajednicu, povezujući profesionalce, trenere, eksperte i projektno osoblje širom sveta sarađujući sa međunarodnim institucijama, javnim i privatnim organizacijama u cilju uspostavljanja otvorenog poslovnog ekosistema koji podržava prihvatanje i efektivnu upotrebu PM2.
Misija PM2 Alijanse je da promoviše PM2 metodologiju zarad opšte koristi, ciljajući bolji projektni menadžment u Evropi i šire. PM2 Alijansa svoju misiju ostvaruje kroz širok spektar inicijativa kao što su PM2 sertifikacija, organizacija konferencija i vebinara, izdavača delatnost koja uključuje i previde na nekoliko jezika.
Ovaj prevod je doprinos IPMA Srbija i Nacionalne akademije za javnu upravu. Preduzela ga je naša zajednica volontera i profesionalaca, sa ciljem da se PM² Metodologija približi zajednici javnog i privatnog sektora koja govori srpski jezik u Evropi i na globalnom nivou. PM² je open source metodologija, tako da ste dobrodošli da ovaj prevod koristite slobodno za dobrobit vaše organizacije i projekata.
Zahvalni smo svima koji su vodili razvoj PM² Metodologije, autorima, saradnicima, redaktorima i prevodilačkim timovima. Potvrđujemo njihov doprinos i odajemo počast njihovom moralnom pravu da budu jasno identifikovani u svim našim publikacijama i prevodima u posvećenom i istaknutom odeljku (Dodatak A: Doprinosi i priznanja).
Nicos Kourounakis, President of the PM² Alliance,
Co- Author of the PM² Methodology
Dr. Vladimir Obradovic, Regional Coordinator PM² Alliance Serbia,
Translation Coordinator
Saradnici na srpskom prevodu
OBRADOVIĆ Vladimir Urednik prevoda metodologije
MARAVIĆ Dražen Urednik prevoda metodologije
TODOROVIĆ Marija Urednik prevoda metodologije
TOMOVIĆ Radmila Inicijalni prevod
SPASOJEVIĆ Ana Inicijalni prevod
SPASOJEVIĆ Marija Inicijalni prevod
KOUROUNAKIS Nicos Stariji konsultant, koordinator saradnje na prevodu metodologije,
Co Author of PM², President of the PM² Alliance
See also:
- Check out PM² Alliance Serbia Regional.
- Download the PM² Canvas in Serbian.