This year the PM²Alliance joined forces with HAU and GBMC to organise its regional conference on the European Institutions’ choice for managing projects: the PM² Methodology. The theme of the conference was the PM² Advantage and how it has been implemented in various public and private organizations.
The Conference was inaugurated by Ms Olga Kefalogianni, Member of the Parliament (A’ Athens), Minister of Tourism (2012-2015) and Attorney at Law.
The inauguration speech of Ms Olga Kefalogianni managed to energise the whole audience, who greatly appreciated her motivating words and thoughtful support.
Conference Agenda

The conference brought together individuals from institutions, companies and academia, and inspired dialogue, by addressing many of the project management challenges that organizations face in the adoption of a Project Management Methodology.
Keynote Presentations
The keynote presentations highlighted the effectiveness of the PM² methodology in relation to its adoption by organisations and projects. The PM² advantage has been demonstrated time and again by its high acceptance by project teams and by the minimum investment needed to start using it and integrating it in organisational procedures.
Used in European Union Institutions, Pubic Administrations, and private organisations, PM² has shown to be a valuable choice of a methodology, a fact that has been proven by comparative evaluations, studies and the insightful testimonies of the user community.
The comparison of PM² with other methodologies and standards was also addressed through a keynote presentation titled “PM² vs PMI-PMBok: friends or foes?”. The presentation stressed the complementarity of the PMBoK to PM² which is a usable methodology in contrast to a PM Standard.
Conference Speakers: Nicos Kourounakis, PM² Alliance Founding Member and CEO, Dr. Mladen Radujkovic, Alma Mater Europea ECM University, Dr. Ilias Katsagounos, European Security and Defence College (ESDC), Marios Skiadas, Expertise France, Carolyn Thomas, PSAA PMO Lead, PSA Antwerp, Niels De Weyer, Head of Operations, YPTO, Dimitris Tolis, CEO, HumanAsset, Maria Tikmanidi, Senior Project Manager, European Academy, Niels Lindenthal, CEO,
Open Source PMIS presented their vision of a PM²-PMIS application which will addresses the needs of the growing PM² user community.
Through the coordinated contributions of the open-source community, OpenProject presented its roadmap for the incremental release of a tailored version of its software tool which will support the better and easier implementation of the Methodology.
The result will be a web-based open-source PM² project management tool at free/low cost, a low learning curve and low adoption effort.
Parallel sessions & workshops
The conference’s four parallel presentations and workshops presented valuable insights on the adoption of PM² in the Greek Public Administration and the creation of the Greek PM² Hub, the use of PM² in EU funded programmes, the use of PM² in management of organisational change and the use of the Openproject application.
The way ahead
Conference participants, conference speakers and PM² Alliance Regional Coordinators with their presence and contributions are materialising the PM² Alliance’s promise of taking “PM² where no PM² has gone before” and enabling better project management in Europe and beyond.
Stay tuned for the next PM² Alliance Regional Conference in early 2020!