Download and use freely the Open PM² and PM² Alliance publications and templates

The Open PM² Project Management Methodology Guide of the European Commission
PM² is a project management methodology developed and supported by the European Commission. Its purpose is to enable project teams to manage their projects effectively and deliver solutions and benefits to their organisations and stakeholders. PM² is a light and easy to implement methodology suitable for any type of project. PM² has been custom developed to fit the specific needs, culture and constraints of EU institutions, but also incorporates elements from globally accepted best practices, standards and methodologies.

Translations of the PM² Guide
The PM² Project Management Methodology of the European Commission has been translated into multiple languages. These translations have been undertaken by the Open PM² community of volunteers and professionals, aiming to bring the PM² Methodology closer to the local language communities of the EU public and private sectors, in Europe and globally. PM² is an open source methodology, so you are welcome to use this translation freely for the benefit of your organisation and projects.
We are grateful to all those who have led the development of the PM² Methodology, the authors, the contributors, the reviewers, and the translation teams. We acknowledge their contribution and honour their moral right to be clearly identified in all PM² Alliance publications and translations in a dedicated and prominent section (Appendix A: Contributions & Acknowledgements).

The Open PM² Project Management Methodology Artefacts Templates
The purpose of the PM² Project Management Methodology is to enable European Commission Project Managers (PMs) to deliver solutions and benefits to the European Commission through the effective management of project work.
This document includes all available PM² Artefact Templates along with useful guidelines on how to use them with maximum effectiveness. Please note that the templates included in this publication are meant to be used as references only, and although they are aligned with PM² V3, there is no guaranty that they are the latest released version. For the latest versions (in editable MS Work or Excel format), always visit the PM² Wiki.
(EU Login registration required)

PM² Study Case
Download a set of PM² Artefacts that can be used as an example.
Open PM² Artefact Templates
Open PM² Leaflets
The PM² Alliance Canvas Templates
Download the various PM² Alliance Canvas and use it freely (in printed or electronic form) for the benefit of your project and organisation.
Learn more about the PM² Alliance Project Description Canvas here and the Project-End Canvas here.
Download the.pptx or .pdf version in one of the available languages below.
PM² Alliance Project-End Canvas
(download ppt here)