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Project Management for EU funded projects

A common Project Management Methodology for all Projects Thousands of European Projects for the benefit of all citizens

Better project management for EU beneficiaries

Discover the PM² Advantage

The PM² Methodology has been developed by the European Commission and its knowledge and use can greatly benefit beneficiaries of EU Funds and Grants. Therefore, the capacity to implement the methodology is of essence for anyone involved with the Project Management of European and National funded projects. 

A PM2 pill for EU Projects

Helping Europe succeed, one project at a time!

The PM² Alliance promotes the use of the PM² Methodology for the effective management of EU funded projects. 

Adopt the European Commission’s own methodology to manage your projects and demonstrate your commitment to high quality project management and the efficient investment of EU funds:

  • Speak the same “project” language as thousands of PM² Certified European Commission staff, Project Officers, assessors and auditors.
  • Establish a common language and a common way of working for your project.
  • Define clear roles and responsibilities for consortium partners, work package leaders and members.
  • Establish a real project lifecycle that will guide you through better project initiating and planning, more effective monitoring and controlling and even project closing.
  • Use the PM² templates, checklists and project logs and apply the PM² best practices in your documentation.

The PM² Alliance brings the benefits of PM² closer to EU funded projects

A new benefit for all PM² Alliance members


Effective Project Management based on the PM² Methodology of the European Commission
