The European Commission’s Decision on the Reuse of its Documents
Ended soon Since 2011, the European Commission has adopted a decision regarding
Collaboration between OpenProject and OpenPM²
Ended soon The PM²Alliance and OpenProject are making cooperative project management accessible
An interview with José Luis Ferreira on the Portuguese Translation
Ended soon Interesting projects come as an inspiration for any project manager,
The European Commission’s Joinup Licensing Assistant (JLA) has gone mainstream!
Ended soon Great News! The European Commission’s Joinup Licensing Assistant (JLA) has
PM² Alliance joins forces with OpenProject
Ended soon The PM² Alliance has joined forces with, a partnership
PM² Alliance Croatia – PM² Methodology published as a student literature
Ended soon Algebra University College published the Croatian translation of PM² as
The Italian Regional Group of the PM² Alliance starts its activites
Ended soon PM² Alliance Italy Your professional associationYour community The PM² Alliance
Newsletter October 2019
Ended soon The PM² Alliance has lots of news to share! The
PM² in Lisbon
Ended soon On September 18th 2019, our esteemed member and Regional Coordinator
Adapting PM² to Sports Events. Master Thesis by José Antonio Caminero at the University of Valladolid (Spain)
Ended soon José Antonio Caminero, a person linked to sports since childhood
PM², a resource also for young Europeans
Ended soon For a long time I follow news and updates from
Russian translation finished
Ended soon Belarusian PM2 team finished the translation of the overview, methodology
Croatian translation finished
Ended soon Croatian PM2 team finished the translation of the overview, methodology
Open PM² methodology in the Master in Project Management at the University of Valladolid (Spain)
Ended soon Associate Professor at the University of Valladolid, Javier Pajares, one
PM² Alliance has moved!
Ended soon We are pleased to announce that we have now moved