Supporting Excellence
PM² Alliance Sponsored Meetings & Events
Bringing the PM² community together
PM² Alliance’s events connect professionals, trainers, experts and project managers from all over Europe
We believe that the future of project management depends on the community of project managers working together, and that the PM² Alliance has a crucial role to play in enabling the sharing of knowledge and experiences and fostering appreciation of PM² as a common, open and free methodology for Europe – and beyond.
PM² Social Events
To help broaden the range of opportunities for networking, we sponsor meetings and events organised by members of the association.
- At least one member of the Organising Committee should be a member of the PM² Alliance
- The event should be organised by an organisation, scientific society or association and the major topic of the meeting is relevant to the aims of the PM² Alliance
- Meetings should be held in English
- The hosting organisation must be in alignment with PM² Alliance’s values and in particular those related to diversity and inclusion
- There are no restrictions on where meetings can be held
How to Apply
- Complete the application form in full and submit it to be processed by the Alliance’s Board. You should also provide a copy of the most up-to-date programme with the invited and confirmed speakers. You can expect a response within one calendar month.