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PM² Alliance Lithuania

Jekaterina Makushina,
Regional Coordinator

Aš sveikinu jus apsilankius regioniniame puslapyje. Kaip Europos Akademijos narys, aš jau gana ilgą laiką esu susijęs su PM² metodika ir jos skleidimu. Baltijos šalių regiono koordinatoriaus pareigos suteikia man džiaugsmo ir galimybę dalytis patirtimi bei žiniomis su kitais PM² entuziastais.

PM² in Lithuania

Sveiki atvykę į Lietuvos regioninį PM² Alliance puslapį. Šiame puslapyje mes teikiame informaciją apie PM² Alliance veiklą Lietuvoje, visas naujienas apie PM² metodiką ir pačias aktualiausias naujienas iš kitų vietų. Mes tikimės, kad mūsų komanda padės bendruomenės nariams dalytis geriausia praktika, pasirengti PM² sertifikavimui ir aktyviai skleisti žinias apie metodiką bei jos priemones.

Regional Events

Project Management Best Practices Meetup Athens – Presenting PM²

Hellenic American Union Conference Center, 19 Dec 2024 Join us in Athens on December 19th for discovering how PM² enhances project management efficiency by integrating sustainability, artificial intelligence, and portfolio…

“EUPM² Unveiled” Event Sparks Lively Attention on PM² tailored for EU-Funded Projects

Brussels, November 22, 2024. Over 70 enthusiastic participants gathered last week at the Young European Research Universities Network (YERUN) headquarters in Brussels for the Erasmus+ EUPM² Project Final Event, marking…

EC Methodologies in the Service of EU Public Administration

Harnessing the Power of AI in Projects and EU Funded Initiatives 17th April 2024, 10:00-12:00 am Venue: Spinelli Building, European Parliament, Brussels Join us at the heart of European decision-making,…

Regional News

Project Management Workshop for the staff of the Cyprus University of Technology in Athens

During 09 to 10 of December a Project Management Workshop took place for the Cyprus University of Technology and EUt employees in Athens by Human Asset in cooperation with PM2…

Feedback & LL Workshop for CMDR NATO CoE in Bulgaria for 2nd time

Thrilled to have the opportunity to conduct a 6 hours workshop with the title “Integrating Feedback and lessons learned process to Operational & Logistics planning” in Sofia, Bulgaria in cooperation…

Project Management Best Practices Meetup Athens – Presenting PM²

Hellenic American Union Conference Center, 19 Dec 2024 Join us in Athens on December 19th for discovering how PM² enhances project management efficiency by integrating sustainability, artificial intelligence, and portfolio…