Algebra organizes a free online seminar on the PM² Project Management Methodology on May 21, 2020 and June 10, 2020.

The seminar will be delivered by Marko Šimac, Regional Coordinator of the PM² Alliance for Croatia, senior lecturer and lecturer at the University of Algebra, who is highly experienced in preparing candidates for certifications according to the standards established by PMI, IPMA and the PM² Alliance.
Marko is also part of the Executive Committee of the PMI of Croatia, being in charge of the relations with the academic community.
The online seminar aims to introduce participants to the evolution and current use of the PM² Methodology, providing information about its presentation, content and position compared to other, classical methodologies. This action supports and promotes the vision of disseminating PM² across Europe and beyond, so that it can be established as a common pan-European Project Management Methodology, open and accessible to all Europeans.
Participation is free, but registration is required.
Since it was launched in 1998, Algebra has started developing one of the widest portofolios of courses in Croatia, which currently lists 6 Undergraduate and 7 Graduate Programmes. Having decades of experience, it is able to offer expertise and valuable knowledge in any chosen area.