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PM² Alliance Estonia

Jekaterina Makushina,
Regional Coordinator

Tervitan teid isiklikult piirkondlikul lehel. Euroopa Akadeemia liikmena olen juba pikemat aega seotud PM² metoodika ja selle levitamisega. Minu ametikoht Balti riikide piirkondliku koordinaatorina teeb mulle rõõmu, andes võimaluse jagada kogemusi ja teadmisi teiste PM² entusiastidega.

PM² in Estonia

Tere tulemast PM² Allians Eesti piirkondlikule lehele. See on ühine ettevõtmine PM² metoodika tutvustamiseks kõikidele organisatsioonidele, nii et see oleks kasulik ja annaks viljakaid tulemusi. Olenemata sellest, kas tegemist on väikeste ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtete, kodanikuühiskonna organisatsioonide, ülikoolide, teaduskeskuste või mõne muu üksusega, edastab PM² liit selle lehe kaudu uudiseid ja sündmusi Eesti piirkonnas ning paneb loodetavasti peagi koos teie panusega selle kogukonna kasvama ja õitsema. Kasutage kontakti nuppu, et meiega ühendust võtta!

Regional Events

Shaping the Future: The 15th FEBST International Conference on Economic Policies, Business Innovation, and Sustainability

Brussels, November 22, 2024. The Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism (FEBT) at the University of Split is thrilled to announce the 15th FEBST International Conference, themed “Economic Policies, Business…

Project Management Best Practices Meetup Athens – Presenting PM²

Hellenic American Union Conference Center, 19 Dec 2024 Join us in Athens on December 19th for discovering how PM² enhances project management efficiency by integrating sustainability, artificial intelligence, and portfolio…

“EUPM² Unveiled” Event Sparks Lively Attention on PM² tailored for EU-Funded Projects

Brussels, November 22, 2024. Over 70 enthusiastic participants gathered last week at the Young European Research Universities Network (YERUN) headquarters in Brussels for the Erasmus+ EUPM² Project Final Event, marking…

Regional News

Shaping the Future: The 15th FEBST International Conference on Economic Policies, Business Innovation, and Sustainability

Brussels, November 22, 2024. The Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism (FEBT) at the University of Split is thrilled to announce the 15th FEBST International Conference, themed “Economic Policies, Business…

Leveraging PM² for EU-Funded Projects: A Path to Better Outcomes

EU-funded projects operate in a highly complex environment. To navigate this landscape effectively, the PM² methodology offers a robust framework for project management for EU-funded initiatives.

A PM² Methodology Workshop for employees of Performance Technologies SA & Adaptera SA companies

From 11th till 13th of January, 15 employees of Performance Technologies SA and Adaptera SA participated in a PM² Methodology Workshop of Human Asset in premises of ” Performance Technologies…