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PM² Alliance Czech Republic

PM² in Czech Republic

Vítejte na stránkách PM2 Alliance Česká republika. Získáte zde informace o aktivitách a zajímavých událostech v regionu.

PM2 je projektová metodika zpřístupněna všem organizacím, které usilují o zlepšení projektového managementu, ať už jde o malé a střední podniky, příjemce fondů z EU, veřejně prospěšné organizace, vzdělávací instituce, výzkumná střediska atd.

Vážíme si Vaší spolupráce, všech nápadů, návrhů, komentářů nebo kritik, které přicházejí na naši adresu, protože přispívají k neustálému zdokonalování projektového řízení.

Regional Events

Artificial Intelligence in Education: Opportunities and Challenges

On March 5, 2025, the event “Artificial Intelligence in Education: Opportunities and Challenges” was held, focusing on the responsible and effective use of AI in schools. The discussion addressed how…

Mastering EU Project Excellence: The Athens 2025 Advanced EU Funding & Innovation Camp

The Athens 2025: Advanced EU Funding & Project Innovation Camp, taking place from 2-6 June 2025, is a premier training event designed to equip professionals working on EU-funded projects with…

Shaping the Future: The 15th FEBST International Conference on Economic Policies, Business Innovation, and Sustainability

Brussels, November 22, 2024. The Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism (FEBT) at the University of Split is thrilled to announce the 15th FEBST International Conference, themed “Economic Policies, Business…

Regional News

SPM² Project: Integrating Sustainability into Project Management Education

PM² Alliance is proud to participate in the Sustainable Project Management through PM² (SPM²) project, a pioneering initiative that embeds sustainability principles into project management education. Co-funded by the European…

Artificial Intelligence in Education: Opportunities and Challenges

On March 5, 2025, the event “Artificial Intelligence in Education: Opportunities and Challenges” was held, focusing on the responsible and effective use of AI in schools. The discussion addressed how…

A PM² Methodology Workshop for staff members of 112 Combat Wing of Hellenic Air-force

From 09th till 11th of March, 10 staff members of 112 Combat Wing of Hellenic Air-Force participated in a PM² Methodology Workshop of Human Asset in premises of ” OTE…

PM² Documents in Czech