PM² Alliance Croatia

Marko Šimac,
Regional Coordinator
Marko Šimac je ekspert za projektni menadžment s preko 15 godina iskustva rada u mnogim industrijama. Posjeduje certifikate IPMA Certified Project Manager i PMI PMP. Predavač je na mnogim obrazovnim institucijama i promicatelj struke projektnog menadžmenta.
PM² in Croatia
Dobrodošli na stranice PM2 Alliance Hrvatska. Na ovom mjestu možete dobiti informacije o aktivnostima i zanimljivim događajima u regiji. Kroz zajednički doprinos svih zainteresiranih, metodologija će biti dostupna za sve organizacije koje žele poboljšati performanse projekata i poslovanja, bilo da je riječ o malim i srednjim poduzećima, korisnicima EU sredstava, organizacijama civilnog društva, obrazovnim institucijama, istraživačkim centrima, itd. Cijenimo svaku ideju, prijedlog, komentar ili kritiku koja nam dođe jer će nas natjerati da rastemo i učimo.
Regional Events
Ended soon PMI Forum on Project management-Zagreb, Croatia, November 7-9, 2022. Nicos Kourounakis, the President & CEO of the PM² Alliance, participated in the event with a keynote presentation. Watch the…
Ended soon Do not miss the biggest project management event in the region on November 7-9, 2022. The future is not something you “sit and wait for”. The future is…
Ended soon Participating >> Sharing >> Learning >> Adopting >> Evolving This year’s conference takes place online between November 30th and December 2nd 2020, bringing together representatives from Institutions,…
Regional News
Ended soon PMI Forum on Project management-Zagreb, Croatia, November 7-9, 2022. Nicos Kourounakis, the President & CEO of the PM² Alliance, participated in the event with a keynote presentation. Watch the…
Ended soon Do not miss the biggest project management event in the region on November 7-9, 2022. The future is not something you “sit and wait for”. The future is…
PM² Alliance 2020 Conference Recordings
Ended soon Explore the largest collection of PM² related Project Management videos Click below to select the presentations you wish to watch out of the 80+ recordings! Related Links: Conference…