November 30th - December 2nd, 2020
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3. Once registered you will be directed to our conference page.
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3. Once registered you will be directed to our conference page.
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Welcome to the PM² Alliance 2020 International Conference
“Moving Forward: The PM² Advantage”.
Participating >> Sharing >> Learning >> Adopting >> Evolving
This year’s conference takes place online between November 30th and December 2nd 2020, bringing together representatives from Institutions, Member States’ public administration, PM² Practitioners, Trainers, and PM² Methodology Experts, to share their personal experiences in using the PM² Advantage to benefit and evolve their Organisations.
The presentations and discussions focus on the use of Project Management best practices and Methodologies helping organisations face the challenges of project performance, engagement with stakeholders and keeping up with the complexities of projects.
The PM² Alliance conference is an event that is rapidly being established as a landmark European event. The International Conference of 2019 was particularly successful, with great participation both in terms of speakers and attendance.
3 Days 50 Speakers
22 MasterClasses 18 Trainers
8 Thematic Areas 4 Tracks
12 Languages 20 Local Sessions

Methodology & Certifications
Agile and Hybrid Project Management
Academia and Education
International Institutions
The People Side of Project Management
International Cooperation & Development Projects
Public Administration
EU Funded Projects
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NETWORK effectively. Plan whom to meet by exploring attendee profiles and sending out messages
PARTICIPATE in event activities through session likes, comments, ratings, live polling, tweeting, and more