This week, our PM² Regional Support Manager for Belarus, Krystsina Mazhei (Certified project management associate, IPMA level "D"), held a career guidance meeting with the students of the Belarusian State University, the future young project managers.
In the context of the particular meeting, issues related to current trends in project management were discussed, as well as features of the hybrid approach to project management and the growing number of new methodologies and approaches to project management.

Students were introduced to the activities of the PM² Alliance and were informed about the opportunity they have to participate in the PM² Alliance’s Ambassador Program. Apart from that, a conversation regarding a project management framework took place.

During the meeting, we also talked about the activities of the regional PM² Alliance group in Belarus and its strategy of activity. We also discussed the increase in demand for certified project managers, which is apparent from the increase in jobs offered worldwide and how we could narrow this gap for our region. Students were invited to actively take part in our projects, activities and events aiming to localize the PM² Alliance’s approaches in Belarus. The meeting ended with a practical case discussion for coordinating a training project, using the PM² Alliance project management approach.

This meeting with the future young project managers showed that there is great interest in studying new approaches to project management and willingness to participate in further activities of the regional PM² Alliance group in Belarus.
We aim to continue meetings with young project managers, understanding the practical importance of transmitting new project management tools and methods.