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From Planning Risk Management to Implementing the Identified Risk Response Strategies for EC Funded Projects

A planned and controlled approach to project risks is an imperative and indispensable step within project management. Developing skills, knowledge and organisational processes in this area will lead to a significant return on investment (ROI) for any organisation that runs projects either internally or for the benefit of their customers.

Additionally, any entity (organisation or consortium) that exhibits a maturity level in risk management, increases the chances of being selected for funding, under the various EU funding schemes. The reason is that proper risk management acts as an alleviator for the risk averse public sector (including the various EU bodies).

A planned and controlled approach to project risks is an imperative and indispensable step within project management. Developing skills, knowledge and organisational processes in this area will lead to a significant return on investment (ROI) for any organisation that runs projects either internally or for the benefit of their customers.

Additionally, any entity (organisation or consortium) that exhibits a maturity level in risk management, increases the chances of being selected for funding, under the various EU funding schemes. The reason is that proper risk management acts as an alleviator for the risk averse public sector (including the various EU bodies).

  • National Contact Points for H2020
  • Project Managers
  • Projects Administrators
  • Account Managers
  • Co-ordinators and Controllers
  • Managers
  • Development Managers
  • Directors of Research
  • Directors
  • Risk Managers
  • Grants Financial Accountants
  • Consultants advising Beneficiaries
  • Consultants and Accountants working for the public sector
  • Policy Advisors
  • Become familiar with the current EU rules
  • Get exclusive information and resources on the PM² Methodology
  • Improve the success rate of your project proposals by minimizing the project’s exposure to risks
  • Increase your organisation’s competitiveness
  • Receive tangible and actionable advice on project risk management
  • Network and exchange experience with peers and possible partners from across the EU

The PM² Basic Certification is a Level-1 certification and an obvious choice for anyone who wishes to start their journey in project management with a basic project management certification. It is designed to confirm candidates’ basic understanding of general concepts of the PM² Methodology. The certification exam tests the level of the candidates’ understanding mainly on the what and when of the PM² Methodology, and secondarily on the who and how. The exam questions are based on the four pillars of PM² and the PM² Mindsets, focusing more on Lifecycle and Artefacts and less on Processes, Governance and Mindsets. 

For candidates to achieve the certification they must be familiar with theses PM² concepts at an adequate level so that they will be able to follow the motions of a PM² project and communicate effectively with PM² team members and Project Managers.

PM² is the standard Project Management Methodology of the European Commission custom developed to fit the specific needs, culture and constraints of EU Institutions. It aims to facilitate the effective management of a project’s complete lifecycle, and increase the quality of the project management process and project results. It incorporates elements from a wide range of globally accepted project management best practices as well as European Commission’s operational experience from many projects. PM² is a light and easy to implement methodology suitable for any type of project.

​The European Commission has published PM² with an open and free license for anyone to use for the management of their projects, with a focus on projects run within the EU Institutions or funded by EU programmes. As such, working knowledge of the PM² Methodology becomes essential for anyone participating in such projects.


Since 2016, when European Commission made the PM² Methodology available to its stakeholders, recognising the impact of that decision, European Academy developed unique courses on the implementation of the methodology in Horizon projects. The RISK MANAGEMENT FOR EC FUNDED PROJECTS Course has been designed exclusively to serve the needs of the beneficiaries of European funding and is the result of the combined work of PM² Practitioners, PM² Authors and experienced Project Coordinators. 

If you have any questions in regards to the Masterclasses organised in the frame of the PM² Alliance 2020 Conference contact the Conference’s Support Team by email or by filling the form

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